Chairman’s Foreword

Mrs Rita Lau, Chairman The 2019 Annual Report marks the second year of our digital reporting dispensing with the publication of a printed version. Taking this as an environmental move aside, it serves to provide our readers with a quicker and more convenient way to get to know about the work of the Commission.

2019 presents unprecedented challenges for Hong Kong and our society. After months of social unrest, we are hit by the Covid-19 coronavirus. The Commission is encouraged by the relentless efforts undertaken by diligent civil servants in rising to the challenges and sustaining the delivery of essential public services to the best of their abilities. Our work has not halted. We have continued to discharge our statutory responsibilities in upholding the appointment, promotion systems and advising on matters on conduct and discipline.

In terms of caseload, we recorded another high level of 1 162. In tandem with the rising demand of new and improved public services, the Civil Service establishment has grown steadily in recent years reaching a new high level of 190 000 by end of 2019-2020. We can expect a corresponding increase of cases submitted to the Commission in the year ahead.

Maintaining a meritorious Civil Service is a core value the Commission holds dear and aspires. It is thus appropriate for the Commission to have spent most of our attention and efforts in examining recommendations for appointment to and promotion in the Civil Service. Chapters 2 - 4 give details on our work done in 2019. The cases we have highlighted serve to illustrate the need for constant and even more vigorous efforts on the part of Bureaux and Departments to ensure that only the best and most-suited to the jobs are offered appointment. Needless to say, officers have to earn and demonstrate that they are suitable in all respects for promotion.

An efficient and professional Civil Service cannot rely on a brilliant individual alone, it has to be built on systems of organizational excellence and a culture of consistent talent development. Managing staff performance is the duty of the management in their daily work. Only by maintaining a fair and objective performance appraisal system can the Civil Service continue to thrive. Chapter 5 provides an overview of the strategy and on-going initiatives being pursued by the Civil Service Bureau which the Commission fully support and endorse.

Proper conduct and discipline is a prerequisite required of a civil servant. The Commission advocates and expects a very high standard to be set in the Civil Service. Although the number of serving officers found to have acted in contravention of Civil Service Regulations, Codes of Conduct or flouted the law is small and far in between, each and every case that the Commission has examined are never viewed lightly. To the Commission, upholding the integrity of the Civil Service is a timeless mission. We have no doubt that the Administration stands with us. Our determination to do so together is best reflected in whether timely and decisive action is taken by the management when faced with offending officers. Chapter 6 offers details on some significant cases for future reference. The consideration underlining the advice we have given and suggestions we have proposed to enhance the efficiency of the disciplinary system are also explained.

On completion of another fruitful year of work, I want to thank my fellow Commission Members for their unfailing support and wise counsel. In particular, I would like to pay tribute to Professor Timothy TONG who retired from the Commission after having served as Member for six years. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Dr Clement CHEN, who joined the Commission during the year.

My heartfelt gratitude also goes to the Secretary for the Civil Service and his colleagues for their readiness and valuable assistance in taking forward the Commission’s suggestions. On behalf of the Commission, I would like to record my appreciation to the Commission Secretariat for their dedicated and hard work in the past year.

Working jointly with my fellow Members, we will continue to carry out the Commission’s functions independently without fear or favour. Only by so doing will we be able to sustain the confidence and trust placed on us.

Mrs Rita Lau
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